Sunday, July 4, 2010

Meeting Minutes 7/2/2010

1. All Nuts Come to Order

2. New Membership Push
-Moonpies and forms handed out to potential members

3. Crew Fundraising
-Discussion of sticker making
-Car wash suggestion

4. Staff Recognition Board
-Cost estimate at $700 for Jeff Doane memorial board
- Officers decide to move to support project, but when the crew has more funds to give to Pico improvements.

5. Neckerchiefs
-Cost estimate for new neckerchiefs will take roughly $350-$400 investment to produce
-Officers decide to move investing in neckerchiefs when more funds available

6. Bylaws
-Request by members to have copies of the bylaws present at meetings
-Secretary Rudy opts to make copies

7. Dues
-Discussion of what dues cover
-Discussion of giving better incentive of paying dues

8. Crew Activities
- 3rd annual Boardwalk trip to be planned at end of season
- Another Winter Window Walk put in consideration

9. Crew Possessions
- All Crew belongings are currently at Secretary Rudy's house
- Crew will likely get rid of duplicate copies to consolidate, as well as making digital copies of important crew documents
- Suggestion that Crew Advisor Gordon can help with scanning

10. 25th Staff Anniversary
-Venue change likely, VFW hall in SJB and Corralitos Grange considered sites.
- Talk about keeping good terms with traditional venue, possibly renting out that room for a pre-reunion planning party
- A VIP plans to be in the area at the time and could possibly draw some others from the woodworks
-Cost of running reunion about $200 for food and snacks, likely to increase for bigger reunion

12. Resolution 2010-1-1: PASSED
Reed to be compensated $5 for moonpie purchase

13. Resolution 2010-1-2: PASSED
Crew will order stickers as a fundraiser with proceeds going to camp improvement.
-Crew funds will first cover the cost, followed by financing by crew members.

14. Pico Hymn

Monday, June 7, 2010

Kicking into summer

Hey Crew, this is Secretary Rudy. Here's a few examples of what will be pushed on the crew agenda this summer in camp.

- Sticker fundraiser
- 25th anniversary reunion
- Neckerchiefs (again)
- A camp library
- Funding for camp programs

Friday, April 30, 2010

National Standards definition of "Active Membership"

A Scout will be considered "active" in his unit if he is

  1. Registered in his unit (registration fees are current)
  2. Not dismissed from his unit for disciplinary reasons
  3. Engaged by his unit leadership on a regular basis (informed of unit activities through Scoutmaster conference or personal contact, etc.
  4. In communication with the unit leader on a quarterly basis.

(Units may not create their own definition of active; this is a national standard.)

If the Scout does not initiate communication, the unit leader is to contact the Scout and ask if the youth wishes to remain in Scouting. If the answer is negative, then the unit leader should no longer communicate with the Scout. If the answer is affirmative, the unit leader should provide the unit calendar. After six months of nonparticipation, the unit leader may cease to contact with the youth and drop the Scout from the unit at recharter time.

The Scout may return to the unit at any time while on the unit charter. At any time a Scout is dropped from a charter, the youth may re-apply to a unit for readmission; the acceptance of the application is at the discretion of the unit. The youth would be reinstated at the rank and level that can be documented by either the Scout or the unit.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Meeting Minutes 12/19/2009

NOTE: The minutes from the summer meetings are hiding somewhere in a ton of paperwork, they will be posted once rediscovered

1. Call to Order
-"Hey Rudy, if you need a place to crash, there's a Land Rover in the parking lot!"

2. Agenda Item: Officer Elections
-Incumbent Britt Abrahamson re-elected to the Presidency
- Reed Thayer Elected as VP of Program
-VP of Administration left Vacant
-Treasurer left Vacant
- Incumbent Christopher "Rudy" Sandoval re-elected Secretary

3. Non-Agenda Item: Call for Volunteers
-Mark Ellis asks the Crew for suggestions and assistance for a few projects for camp, namely the remodeling of the campfire bowl.

4. Agenda Item: Costa Rica
-Ken Rogers proposes a Crew trip to Costa Rica to visit the "other" Mt. Pico in celebration of the 25th anny of the Crew.
-Projected $800 per person minus airfare
-Has a sign up list for interested persons
-President Britt questions the Crew's standing with the nation and is unsure if we should initiate diplomatic relations

5. Agenda Item: Crew Neckerchiefs
-The design is ready
-The project is stalled due to no money
-A pre-order system is considered

6. Agenda Item: Staff Recognition Board
-David Doyle discusses the plans for a Good Staffer recognition board in memory of Jeff Doane
- Crew will discuss funding the project when an estimate and plan is completed

7. Agenda Item: Camp Promotion
-Crew discusses ideas for promotion of camp
-Flyers for April 15th-18th 100th anny convention
-Pico Patch buttons
-Old Staff uniforms for camp use
-"Fundraiser" items like bumper stickers and CCC stuff

8. Window Walk
-Reed discusses closing the decade with a Window Walk

9. Pico Hymn
-All Crew is invited