Sunday, July 4, 2010

Meeting Minutes 7/2/2010

1. All Nuts Come to Order

2. New Membership Push
-Moonpies and forms handed out to potential members

3. Crew Fundraising
-Discussion of sticker making
-Car wash suggestion

4. Staff Recognition Board
-Cost estimate at $700 for Jeff Doane memorial board
- Officers decide to move to support project, but when the crew has more funds to give to Pico improvements.

5. Neckerchiefs
-Cost estimate for new neckerchiefs will take roughly $350-$400 investment to produce
-Officers decide to move investing in neckerchiefs when more funds available

6. Bylaws
-Request by members to have copies of the bylaws present at meetings
-Secretary Rudy opts to make copies

7. Dues
-Discussion of what dues cover
-Discussion of giving better incentive of paying dues

8. Crew Activities
- 3rd annual Boardwalk trip to be planned at end of season
- Another Winter Window Walk put in consideration

9. Crew Possessions
- All Crew belongings are currently at Secretary Rudy's house
- Crew will likely get rid of duplicate copies to consolidate, as well as making digital copies of important crew documents
- Suggestion that Crew Advisor Gordon can help with scanning

10. 25th Staff Anniversary
-Venue change likely, VFW hall in SJB and Corralitos Grange considered sites.
- Talk about keeping good terms with traditional venue, possibly renting out that room for a pre-reunion planning party
- A VIP plans to be in the area at the time and could possibly draw some others from the woodworks
-Cost of running reunion about $200 for food and snacks, likely to increase for bigger reunion

12. Resolution 2010-1-1: PASSED
Reed to be compensated $5 for moonpie purchase

13. Resolution 2010-1-2: PASSED
Crew will order stickers as a fundraiser with proceeds going to camp improvement.
-Crew funds will first cover the cost, followed by financing by crew members.

14. Pico Hymn

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